Sunday 30 January 2011

Introduction to the project: Preliminary work

As an introduction to this project, we have to do a preliminary task to design a magazine for the school. I've named mine, Need To Know Gossip. I've come up with 3 different designs for a front page and contents page.

These are my 3 designs of the front page. Number 1 is my favourite design as all the cover lines are in the left third and the feature (image) is on the right third, clearly showing the face with the barcode at the bottom of the image. Also, it doesn't look over crowded and cluttered like the others. 

My favourite of each of the 3 contents pages is number 2. This is because it has the most interesting layout and is original and not dull like most other contents pages. Although if fills up most of the page, it still has room for 2 feature images. 

After designing my own contents pages and front pages i've developed them and designed them on photoshop as my first attempt at it.
This is my front cover:

I tried to make my front page along the lines of my design and though it was quite successful. I like the layout, however the colour scheme and house style aren't very organised. It is quite hard to read some of the title and also looks very plain.

This is my contents page:
The contents page hasn't followed my design very much and like the front page it is very dull and boring and plain. Also, the writing is hard to see for people with sight impairments. The colours are attracting seemingly innocent, shy, nice, quiet people as they are very soft colours. Younger girls in the school are most likely to pick up the magazine, although, it is aimed at everyone.

Friday 28 January 2011

Introduction to AS media

Hello, my name is chloe booth, and I'm taking AS Media. I enjoy this subject as i find it interesting knowing how things in the media run, designing my ideas and developing them. During this year I'm going to be analyzing music magazines in order to create my own magazine based on the music genre, heavy metal and rock. I'm excited about this as I love that genre of music and would love to design my own magazine.