Monday 7 March 2011

Analysis of Magazine Contents Pages

Analysing NME Contents page

The colours on the contents page follow the same house style as those on the front page, being red, white and black. This keeps the feeling that the magazine is about rock after having multiple colours on the front page. All the contents of the magazine are in a bold red which makes them stand out more to the reader. The title of the contents page, saying “What’s inside”, is in white against a black background so that also stands out too.

Design and Images
The design for NME contents page is quite dull and a bit boring. All the contents are listed on the left hand side which makes them easy to notice and easy to read. It’s quite small though which could be hard to read for people with bad eye sight. The dull page does not work well with the rock and heavy metal genre which is quite lively music. Along the bottom of the page there is an advert for a money-off voucher. This is quite eye catching as it’s really big and bold and stands out on a white background, next to a dark picture. The only image present takes up most of the page and is of a celebrity with a short article about her on the bottom of the image. The image is a medium close up and is quite boring, however, the background of the image is black which works with the colour scheme.

Language and Words
The language and words on this page comes across as quite lively and excited to work with the exaggerated and loud feeling of rock and heavy metal. The way things are said also seems quite relaxed, normal and nice which does not follow a rock style.

Overall Impression
I didn’t like this contents page very much as the page is very dull and boring and seems very bland. Although the contents is easy to see, there isn’t much excitement on the page and I think there should be some more pictures. I don’t think it portrays a rock magazine very well either and it wouldn’t interest the audience to read it.

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