Sunday 1 May 2011

Analysis of Magazine Contents Pages

 Analysis of Q magazine contents page
The colours on the contents page follow the conventional colours of most rock magazines and also match with the front page, consisting of red, white and black. These colours are associated with rock and heavy metal  and therefore emphasise the magazines genre and keeps the target audience interested in the magazine (they wouldn’t be likely to read the magazine if it were orange and pink for example).  The bold red really stands out and makes it clear what is on the page.

Design and Images
The layout of Q magazine contents page is very interesting, bold and eye catching. The layout is very sophisticated, as is the front page,  but still holds a rock genre with the colours and bold features on the page. It’s different to a conventional contents page as it spreads across two pages, however, this means that all the features and images are spread out and are clear to see for anyone with bad eye sight. In the middle of the two columns of features are many images which are all quite interesting pictures, and not anything dull, which keeps the target audience intrigued into the magazine. Each image has a page number written clearly on it so it’s easy for the reader to find what they’re looking for. The main cover line story has the biggest image of the two pages for emphasis as it’s the most interesting story in the magazine. At the bottom of the page is a review, which is conventionally in most magazines.

Language and Words 
The magazine has a sophisticated, yet rock/heavy metal atmosphere and the language used on the contents page doesn’t differ to that. Each of the headlines isn’t very dramatic or exciting, they’re simple and intelligent to follow on from the rest of the magazines style. The font used is also very simple and sophisticated and all this really brings the two pages together so that it all fits together.

Overall Impression
I really liked this contents page as it wasn’t very cluttered or overcrowded and it wasn’t too dark or too colourful to notice things. The light background keeps the mood positive, yet the red and black writing keep the rock genre. Everything is very clear to read with a description under each headline and it has many interesting images to look at and it’s clear what page they’re on. Overall, it is a very good and successful contents page. 

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