Sunday 1 May 2011

Analysis of Magazine Contents Pages

Analysis of mixmag contents page

The colours of this contents page are very simple: mainly black and white with a hint of purple. These colours don’t match the front cover, however, this is effective as the magazine genre is very active, exciting and lively and therefore, the more colours the magazine has, the more exciting and lively it seems. With the plain black background and white writing, it looks quite simple and clear, but the purple image in the middle makes the page stand out and look exciting. The page has a few texts in yellow which follows on form the front page and also captures that lively atmosphere.

Design and Images
The layout of the contents page is very good as it’s simple and clear to understand with the feature sin a column on the right, a large heading at the top on the right and an offer at the bottom of the page. It’s easy to distinguish what you’re looking for. Although the layout is very simple it still has a lively mood as the font used is quite exciting and funky and very different. It also seems lively still as the large image in the centre of the page is very bright and outstanding and is of a girl at a party which instantly puts you in a party mood. There is also a smaller image which breaks up the dark background as well, which is simply of a person, however, it helps to bring colour and life to the black background.

Language and Words
There isn’t much text on the page other than the headlines of the features but those headlines still have a funky, exciting mood to them and aren’t very dull at all. This matches the genre of the magazine and ties it all together so it works well.

Overall Impression
This is a really interesting contents page as the layout is so simple and easy to understand yet, the page still looks like it has life and interesting. The colours really work well together and the bright with the dark really makes everything stand out. The colours used aren’t biased to one gender like the front page so if a buyer of the magazine opened it, they’d feel more intrigued into the magazine. 

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