Sunday 1 May 2011

Qustionairre Results

Questionnaire Results

From the results of my questionnaire, it’s become obvious that most people, aged between 16-23 and both male and female, would prefer to read a rock magazine over other genres. This means, when I come to making my magazine, the other factors of the questionnaire will come into place.
I’ve decided to name the magazine ‘Rage!’ as it had the most votes and therefore, was more appealing to the audience. The other design factors that were the most appealing to the audience who took part and that I need to apply to the magazine are:
-Black, red and white colour scheme
-Main models and main stories attracting the audience
-Font type 1
I need to have a main story on the front cover to appeal to the audience and the most appealing story title was:
-“Rock Band Goes Gay!”

Having discovered the favourite genre and what attracts this audience to the magazine, I need to figure out exactly who my target audience are and know everything about them.

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