Monday 2 May 2011

Construction of the Front page.

I used photoshop in order to construct each of the pages. I started of by making the front page, trying to follow the guidelines in the design that I sketched. 

I started of with a blank canvas and sized it to the shape of a normal magazine. To begin the making, I made the background black and inserted the image so I could work around it as it's the main aspect of the page. To get the effect of them jumping into the page from the blackness, I erased the surroundings of each of the models so it was only their body visible. After that, I used one of the fonts from 'DAFONT' to insert my masthead and used the tools shown to give it a red and white effect. Next I put in the main cover line in a spot where it didn't obstruct the main features of the image (such as the face). I made it interesting by having each line a different colour. Next, I added all the small, simple text including the smaller cover lines, the date and price and the slogan under the masthead. After I'd finished that and inserted a bar code, there was a gap which looked quite empty and dull so I edited a photo into a small oval to fill the gap. This brought the front page together.

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