Monday 2 May 2011

The final Front Page

Having researched into magazines, voted on different aspects of magazines and made design ideas, I constructed  my final pages of magazine using everything I had learnt and tried to use my research as inspiration and tried to produce a magazine that would attract my target audience.
This is my final front page:

I took my inspiration from Q magazine which is sophisticated with a rock style. I followed the guidelines of my design as best I could, however, I had to make a few changes as there wasn't enough room on the page. I think my front page is very successful as it follows the conventional style of a rock magazine. The black background with A large red and white mast head really makes it stand out and attracts the eye of the target audience who are associated with red black and white. The main image is quite wild and exciting as is the style of music and so the image reflects on the genre and the target audience. It includes all the aspects of a front cover that the reader would need and doesn't have a cluttered or messy style which some magazines do, such as NME for example. The whole page is really brought together by all the borders around the text and an image by making it seem full and not dull. The story is exciting as you don't hear of it often and therefore it makes many people want to buy it, not just the target audience. The colours red black and white aren't biased towards one gender and so the magazine attracts both male and female. I think it could be improved by chnging the font of the normal text as it looks a bit tacky without a bored.

This is my final Contents page:
The contents page is very simple as there is a lot to read on a contents page and having too much happening around it can make it seem very cluttered and hard to understand what you're reading. It needs to be clear yet effective which mine is. The black background makes the page look fuller and exciting with red and white text rather than being dull. The font of the titles is very effective also as it screams rock genre at whoever see's it which will pull in the target audience. It's also not too vigorous which can look poor and tacky sometimes. The image on the page reflects the story on the front page and is quite exciting and wild which makes the reader want to find the story. It also reflects on the genre of rock as the model is holding a guitar which is associated with rock music. It follows the conventional colours of a rock magazine and the house style from the front page which means the magazine isn't random and the pages aren't out of place, they all fit together. There isn't too much writing or too many images which makes the page untidy and messy and unable to focus on one aspect of the page. From my research, The contents pages are generally very simple with some splash of excitement and I think I've managed to imitate this very well. There were, again, a few changes to the design as there wasn't enough room again, however, I think this works as it means there would have been too much writing compared to images. If I were to improve this, it would again be the tacky normal text on the page that doesn't quite fit in.

This is my final double page spread.

The double page spread is the most simple page of the 3. I've made it with a fairly dull white background and very simple because through the research, I found that all of the double page spreads had just a plain background with image and text. This works on a double page spread though because there is so much writing that you don't want to make things looks to exciting and therefore make the page seem cluttered and full. This would put the target audience off reading it because there is too much happening to concentrate. The right amount of text was used to keep the reader interested without getting them bored of looking at word after word. Also the images used are different and funky and something fun to look at. I've used the same font as on the contents page so that it all matches and again, followed the conventional colours of red, black, and white. The red title and quote and colourful images adds a splash of colour without cluttering the page and therefore I found that my double page spread was quite successful.

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