Monday 2 May 2011

Construction of the Contents Page

I used photoshop again to construct my contents page. I tried to follow the sketch design that I made, however, there were a few changes in the design.

I started with a blank canvas again, the same size as the front page and had the background black yet again. The first thing I did was to add the image in the desired place and to work around that again. I also put a red border around it to finish it off and give it a better look. Next I used a different 'DAFONT' font to write 'contents' in and added that to the page in the place on the design. After that I used the same font to write in 'features' and 'editors note' to match the title of the page but used different colours. All that was left after that was to add simple text to write the editors note and all of the features.

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