Monday 2 May 2011

Picture Ideas for the magazine

Here are some of the better images I took to use as part of my magazine pages. All the images were taken with the idea in mind of rock stars, bands, party life styles, drugs and alcohol and an "I don't care" attitude to life as this is what the media portrays of rock star celebrities and their life styles. The story i had chosen to do my double page spread on was about two rock stars in a band who turned to be gay and find love in each other. I used this to create scenes of gay rock star lives and how they love to just have fun in their life. I took inspiration from the band Nickelback in regards to how they look and act.

In my images I tried to add props such as musical instruments and I chose outfits that reflected a rock stars clothing. I tried to create images like the above in which they are playing the instruments and general pictures of them. I also tried to capture a party-hard life style.

The images I've taken portray the life style I was aiming for, however, they can be greatly improved. The location of the images could have been in a much better place or even more so, could have been against a background. There is too much going on in the background that it looks cluttered and untidy and makes it hard to distinguish every aspect of the image. This can be improved though by using photoshop to edit out all the unwanted parts of the image.

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