Sunday 1 May 2011

Analysis of Magazine Double Page Spreads

 Analysis of mixmag double page spread
The colours of the two pages are quite interesting as one page is a large picture, mainly of a bright purple and black, and the other page is of the article so is a large white background with black text. These colours work well as it isn’t two pages of dark or two pages of white, it’s one of each and so you get a bit of both which is interesting and exciting. The large black headline with bold pink in the middle really stands out and is eye catching and lively to match the genre of magazine. The black border at the top gives the white page an edge and something else to look at, instead of the page feeling empty.

Design and Images
The design of the pages is good as one page has a large image which clearly shows what the article is about, and the other page is the actual article for people to read, so there’s an equal mix of image and text. The image itself is quite boring as it’s of two people sitting down, however, this makes it clear who the people are and the reader can see this and then get interested in the artists. The other page doesn’t have a simple headline but has a sentence and question which is different and original, just like the genre of music, and then has half a page of writing. Although it has a large title, there is still a lot of writing in the article which could put some people off reading it.

Language and Words
The way the title is written is in quite an informal way. It is very laid back, not classy but not trashy and this matches the genre as dance music is not relaxed, classical music. The article follows a Question + Answer style which is very different to most magazines, as is the music, and this question and answer style makes the reading more bearable as you can read the questions that seem interesting to you. 

Overall Impression
I really like this double page spread as it has the right ratio of image:text and the way the text is written is very interesting compared to normal ways of having an article. The colours complement each other by having dark and light colours to make It not dull but not too cluttered.  The large sentence and question title is really original and different to other magazines which makes the reader more interested.

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