Sunday 1 May 2011

Target Audience

Analysis of Target Audience
The genre of magazine I’m going to be making is rock, heavy metal an indie. My target audience for my magazine would be somebody who resembles Alana. She’s 21 years old and lives in the suburbs of London. Listening to music is one of her passions and she most likes rock and indie music, however, she also enjoys a little bit of everything else. She loves keeping up to date with all the new music and bands out and in her spare time she goes to live gigs, festivals and concerts with her friends on the weekends. She also likes to keep up to scratch with fashion and always knows and wears the latest indie, vintage and soho chick trends. Her favourite places to shop are Topshop, American apparel and H&M for some cheap, fashionable clothes. She loves to be loud and talkative and is also up for a good time jumping around in a mosh pit. 

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