Sunday 1 May 2011

Analysis of Magazine Double Page Spreads

 Analysis of Q magazine double page spread
The colours of the double page spread, yet again, follow the house style of red, black and white. Most of the page is white as that’s the background colour but having so much of the page plain makes it look a bit dull and boring. The normal colour of text is black which makes it very easy to read for everybody and so it’s good having the black writing on a white background. In the top corner is a big bold red square which really stands out and gives the page a bit of colour as the image on the page is also very dull and dark and doesn’t stand out much. When flicking through the magazine, this page doesn’t stand out at all and wouldn’t catch someone’s eye.

Design and Images
The layout of the two pages is very similar to NME magazine with the image taking up the whole of one page and half of the other page and text on the right hand side of the image. The images however are very dull and boring and there isn’t much to look at which doesn’t seem interesting. The pages don’t seem to follow a rock theme, however, the do still hold sophistication and class which the magazine was aiming for. In the top left corner is a big red square which disguises some of the white background and gives the page a bit more to look at.

Language and Words
The way the article is written is very sophisticated also and it doesn’t seem like a bunch of words put together. When read, it is very interesting to read because of the way it was written and as there is so little words on the page, you don’t get too bored of reading constantly. The text in the big red square reads: ‘New to Q’. This rhyming seem interesting to the reader.

Overall Impression
In my opinion there isn’t much good to say about this double page spread other than the fact it isn’t cluttered and is clear to see and read. The page is very dull and needs a bit of life to match a wild rock star life. Although the magazine aims for a sophisticated rock style, it still needs more life in it.

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